Listening 7. Listen and choose the correct words.
1 Luke thinks Suzy's hair looks cool / terrible.
2 A woman damaged another car and didn't admit/
admitted it.
3 Luke / Suzy doesn't think it's dishonest to pick apples in
the countryside.
4 Luke has had the phone for a week / a fortnight.
5 Luke doesn't feel guilty / dishonest because he kept the
mobile phone.
6 Suzy doesn't think it's right / wrong to download music for
Also I like to travel. I was at many cities, like Saint-Petersburg,Crimea, Yaroslavl' ,Kostroma,Kazan'
I would like to have a lot of places to visit.
I finished 9 classies,after which i went to collage named after Morozov.
Here a learned a lot and met new friends.