For items 11–20, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use from three to five words. The number of words you should put in the gap is specified in each case. Do NOT use contracted forms. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example: 0. “Let’s go to the cinema on Sunday,” said Ann. wanted
Ann to the cinema on Sunday. (4 words)
0 wanted us to go
11. Betty was the only one who didn’t enjoy the performance.
apart from Betty
Everyone enjoyed the performance ___. (3 words)
12. The price of the meal includes dessert.
is included into
The dessert ___ ___ ___ the price of the meal. (3 words)
13. My sister is too short to be a basketball player.
is not tall enough
My sister ___ ___ ___ to be a basketball player. (4 words)
14. I have to clean up the studio before I can leave.
leave until I have
I cannot cleaned up the studio. (4 words)
15. She regrets not having gone to university.
wishes she had gone
She ___ ___ ___ ___ to university. (4 words)
16. She isn’t repainting the kitchen until Monday.
is not being repainted
The kitchen ___ ___ ___ ___ until Monday. (4 words)
17. Everyone left except for Mike.
the exception of Mike
With ___ ___ ___ ___ , everyone left. (4 words)
18. The fridge is completely empty.
is nothing left in
There ___ ___ ___ ___ the fridge. (4 words)
19. They’ve only got half the boys they need to make up a team.
twice as many boys than
They need ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ they’ve got to make up a team. (5 words)
20. I’m certain she wrote the article herself.
must have written
She ___ ___ ___ the article herself. (3 words)
Усадьба Хмаров в деревне Сёмково является памятником архитектуры 18 века и в последнее время ввиду близости усадьбы к Минску особо интересна приверженцам отдыха в Беларуси. Ведь когда-то эта усадьба была резиденцией минского воеводы…
Homestead in the village Hmara Semkovo is an architectural monument of the 18th century and more recently due to proximity of the estate to Minsk especially interesting adherents holiday in Belarus. After all, once the estate was the residence of the Minsk governor ...
Церковь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в деревне Сёмков Городок построена в конце 18 века как костел. В середине 19 века храм стал церковью, в советские времена долгое время пустовал, медленно, но верно разрушаясь. Сегодня святыня восстанавливается и в скором времени вновь сможет принимать верующих и поражать воображение туристов, предпочитающих отдых в Беларуси.
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Semkov The town was built in the late 18th century as a church. In the mid-19th century, the church became the church, in Soviet times was empty for a long time, slowly but surely being destroyed. Today, the shrine is restored and will soon again be able to take the believers and to strike the imagination of travelers who prefer staying in Belarus.