1) Where is Canada situated? Где расположена Канада? специальный
2) Is Canada washed by the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean in the west? На западе Канаду омывает Тихий или Атлантический океан? альтернативный
3) Why are the climate and the nature of Canada much varied. Почему климат и природа Канады такие разнообразные? специальный
4) What climatic zones do the northern parts of Canada lie in? В каких климатических зонах расположены северные части Канады? специальный
5) Most of the northern islands are covered with ice, aren't they? Большинство северных островов покрыты льдом, не так ли? разделительный
6) What is the average temperature in winter and in summer? Какова средняя температура зимой и летом? специальный
7) Where are there large areas of fertile soils? Где расположены большие территории с плодородной почвой? специальный
8) Why does the west of the country have a mild and humid climate? Почему климат западной части страны мягкий и влажный? специальный
9) Is the region of the Cordilleras famous for its beautiful forests or rivers? Район Кордильер известен красивыми лесами или реками? альтернативный
10) What is the most attractive part of the country? Какая часть страны самая красивая? к подлежащему
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in breackets.
1. Please be quiet/ I am trying to read my book.
2. Did you hear the bad news? Simon broke his leg!
3.She always remembers my birthday .
4. Mr Brown works in a supermarket.
5. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays.
6. I am not using the computer at the moment so you can use it.
7. I'm so tired. - Don't worry! I will help you.
8. She doesn't read the book because she isn't very interested in that author.
9. Now I am reading the magazine you lent me. I haven't fished yet.
10. By the time I got home they ate all the cake.
11. Why don't wear shorts? It's so hot today.
12. I just have remembered something.
13. Ruth is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat or fish.
14. Tom didn't come to the office yesterday because he was ill.
15. I have lost my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere?
16. His flat was really dirty. He obviously didn't clean it for weeks.
17. Jane is repairing her bike. She knows exactly what to do.