These days teenagers spend a lot of their free time with their friends. You can see a lot of young people hanging around the mall, minding their own business in their friend groups. If they're not spending their time with their real life friends, they may be socialising on internet. More than often, a lot of people use internet to socialise with their friends. Internet comes in handy if you have friends from other parts of the world. Teenagers use all different kinds of social media. From the usual Snapchat to Instagram, from Facebook to VK. It's actually pretty rare to see or to know a teenager that it not actively spending their time on social media with friends.
Modern teenagers are very different from teenagers of the last century. Nowadays, they listen to music, walk, play tennis or skateboard. Many teens smoke and drink. But many people consider this a waste of time and are fond of studying or working.
Современные подростки сильно отличаются от подростков века. В наши дни они слушают музыку, гуляют, играют в футбол теннис или катаются на скейте. Многие подростки курят и выпивают. Но многие считают это пустой тратой времени и увлекаются учебой или работой.
Wh question. They were playing the guitar in the bedroom last Friday at 2
1. What were they doing in the bedroom at 2 last Friday ?
2. Where were they playing the guitar at 2 last Friday?
3. When were they playing the guitar in the bedroom ?
4.At what time were they playing the guitar in the bedroom last Friday?