1phoned, started, happened, didn't want, decided, remembered, continued, didn't listen
1had, drove, got, didn't find, didn't know, found, stayed, saw, went, bought.
1is-сказуемое table- подлежащее
2are сказ windows подл
3 аre сказ table подл chairs тоже
4are сказ blackboard, desks, chairs подл
5are сказ textbook exercise book подл
6are сказ shops cinema подл
упражнение 2вопрос меняешь Was there? Were there?
There wasn't или was no, there weren't
в примере всё показано
упражнение 3
Is there? вопрос
there isn't отрицание
упражнение 4
1there are
2there is
3there are
4there is
5there are
6there are
7there is
8there are
9 there are
2have to
5have to
6have to
8don't have to
have to
1 возможны варианты в номере 1:
1) Houses are built here. Здесь стоят дома - обычно.
2) Houses have been built here. Здесь выстроены дома - результат.
3) Houses are being built here. Сейчас тут строят дома.
4) Houses were built here. Здесь были построены дома (когда-то).
2 had completed: Этот учёный завершил свое исследование к началу конференции.
3 had been finished: Строительство этого завода было завершено / закончено к концу года.
1 They were followed by five or six small children. За ними шли 5-6 малышей.
2 We will be sent a box of fruits. Нам пришлют коробку фруктов.
3 You will be shown a new book of pictures by the scientist. Вам учёный покажет новую книгу с картинками / фотографиями.
1 Она сказала, что новое расписание ещё не вывесили на доске объявлений.
** had not been hung up - past perfect, passive voice
2 Девочке не разрешили пойти на концерт.
** was not allowed - past simple, passive voice
3 Дверь оставили открытой. // Дверь не закрыли.
** has been left - present perfect, passive voice