1. The old house no one lived. 2. On the play is now a lot of talk. 3. Lecturer listened to with great attention. 4. About the telegram has already been asked. 5. For it is always sent if you need help. 6. It is very well respond. 7. The light went out, and sent for Elektroremont. 8. In these figures relied. 9. The patient will not operate without its consent. 10. Sent for student parents. 11. A number of different routes were considered, but did not even think. 12. Do not worry, take care of your luggage. 13. With me so no one spoke
2) engineer
3) tailor
4) baker
5) captain
6) dentist
7) actor
8) shop assistant
9) sportsman
10) bank officer
2) Berlin
3) Madrid
4) Paris
5) Moscow
6) Prague
2) engineer
3) baker
4) banker
5) captain
6) first
7) fourth
8) fortieth
9) fisherman
10) aunt
11) uncle
12) magazine
13) photography
14) learn
15) marry