when someone appeared in the dark, she ran away quickly.
когда кто-то вышел из темноты, она быстро убежала.
the news were so good that she started to sing happily.
новости так порадовали её, что она начала радостно петь.
look at those black clouds! it's going to rain heavily.
взгляни на эти тёмные тучи! скоро пойдёт сильный дождь.
he got upset and started to shout angrily on me.
он расстроился и начал зло кричать на меня.
he began to drive carefully after the accident.
он стал ездить аккуратно после аварии.
1. produce - Present Simple, инфинитив без to следует после модального глагола
have proved - Present Perfect, инфинитив - to prove
2. generates - Present Simple, инфинитив - generate
3. is being - Present Continuous Passive voice, инфинитив - to be
to make - инфинитив
4. had discovered - Past Perfect, инфинитив - to discover
was passed - Past Simple Passive voice, инфинитив - to pass
5. were experimenting - Past Continuous, инфинитив - to experiment
detected - Past Simple, инфинитив - to detect