I mention in the piece that even though there are both advantages of advanced technology, I wish a more developed world, with great technologies. Today, we can’t imagine ourselves without technological advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phone, computers and televisions. However, technology won’t stop here, but develop further. As technology develops, there are not only advantages, but disadvantages from them. A few advantages of upgraded technology are that one can save time and money and life will be made easier as a result of not having to do all the hard labor. In contrast, the disadvantages of upgraded technology are that people will loose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them. I personality would want a developed world with advanced technologies. My major reason is because when you have advanced technologies, life is much easier as robots and machines would take over your daily life chores. For example, daily life chores might be serving your breakfast, cutting your lawn, or cleaning your room. With robots and machines doing one’s chores one has time to relax.Other reasons why I want advanced technologies are because they save a great deal of time and money. Another example of benefits from advanced technology is that if there are new, developed vehicles that will transport people to anywhere rapidly, so that one would not need to spend all those boring, long hours in an airplane to try to get another country. As there are so many advantages from highly developed technology, there also is a great deal of disadvantages from them. One advantage is that as technology develops, robots and machines will take over many jobs and people will loose their by contrast. As people loose their jobs, they will have hard time getting money which would make it hard for them to continue to meet living expenses. Another disadvantage of highly developed technology is that machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask. Even as there are as many advantages and disadvantages of technology, I personally wish a more advances world with great technologies. In the future it would be more about using your brain and being intelligent that doing the hard labor yourself. I hope these days come within my lifetime.
По каким предложениям можно рассказать о водах суши и их особенностях? Запишите номера предложений в порядке возрастания.
2. Одним из важных источников водоснабжения являются подземные воды. Причём с этой целью используются не грунтовые воды, расположенные ближе к поверхности, а межпластовые, потому что они чище, их уровень меньше подвержен сезонным колебаниям. Объясните, почему из-за близости к поверхности грунтовые воды менее чистые и почему их уровень более подвержен сезонным колебаниям.
1) catch up
2) accomplished
3) self-improvement
4) self-poison
5) intelligence
6) idled away