Книга Ромео и Джульетта. Писал её великий драматург Шекспир. В книге где то сто страниц. Когда я её читала я представляла себе как это всё происходит. Два главных героя в этом романе умрут. Честно этот Роман просто замечателен. Все происходит как будто на иву. Сам роман написан в стихах, и разделен на четыре акта. Там написано как две семьи враждовали. Но на балу когда Ромео танцевал вальс с Джульеттой. Они влюбились в друг друга с первого взгляда. И Ромео каждую ночь приходил к Джульетте. И тогда они решили пожениться от всех в тайне, об этом знал только свещеник и не родная мама Джульетты. Но потом из за одного боя Ромео вынесли наказание и изгнали из города. После всего этого отец Джульетты находит ей жениха и тот тоже умирает от руки Ромео, но в этот же момент Ромео выпивает яд, а Джульетта когда проснулась и это всё увидела, что Ромео умер, Джульетта убила себя.
Book Romeo and Juliet. He wrote her a great playwright Shakespeare. In the book where a hundred pages. When I read it I imagined how it all happens. The two main characters will die in this novel. Honestly, this novel just wonderful. Everything happens as if the willow. The novel itself is written in verse, and is divided into four acts. It is written as two feuding families. But at a ball where Romeo and Juliet danced the waltz. They fell in love at first sight. Romeo And every night came to Juliet. And then they decided to get married in secret from all, it only knew sveschenik not own mother Juliet. But then because of one fight Romeo endured the punishment and was expelled from the city. After all this, Juliet's father is her fiance, and he also died of Romeo's hands, but at the same moment Romeo drinks poison and Juliet when she woke up and saw it all, that Romeo is dead, Juliet killed herself.
Christmas is a beautiful winter holiday. In Ukraine they believe that how you celebrate Christmas, so you will spend the year. It is the most important religious holiday in the country along with Epiphany and Easter. According to the Orthodox Church, Christmas is celebrated on the night of the 6th of January. On this night people sit around the festive table and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The tables are generously set with delicious, but meatless dishes. The evening of January 6th is considered to be holy. That’s why before this evening people try to clean their houses, to restore order in everything, to purify spiritually by confessing and to make peace with their enemies. Only after that they can start preparing the holiday meals. It is necessary to have twelve dishes on the table in honor of the twelve apostles. Traditional dishes include soup, cabbage rolls, fish, beans, uzvar and, of course, Kutya - sweet rice pudding with dried fruits. No one is allowed to swear or argue on this day. All family members are supposed to be at home for supper. During the meal nobody is allowed to talk or leave the table. People don’t open the doors to keep evil spirits away. As soon as supper comes to an end, children can go outside and sing carols for their neighbors or just passers-by. They can also show a short theatrical performance. For diligence they are generously treated with sweets and pastry. That’s why children are especially fond of this holiday. The carol singers should be at home by midnight. It’s not allowed to celebrate Christmas on the road. Otherwise the year will be spent in hardship.
play computer games - c
meet friends - a
spend time with your family - j
use the internet - e
draw pictures - d
take photos - h
read books or magazines - g
watch films - f
have a party - b
play an instrument - i