Мен мектепте оқимын. Анел би жарысында жеңді. Ол асханада отыр.
Там я так написала
Healthy way of life.
If you want to be healthy and wealthy, you must keep fit. You should eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. It's very good for your figure. Example, fish and meat calcium and iodine. It's good for bones. And strawberryies are good for eyes. You should eat more vitamins. There're lots of this in food, that you has eat. Like vitamins E, B, A, D and other.
At all, it is necessary there is not only eat good food but also have not a bad habits, like drinking or smoking. When you smoke, your breath is delay. When you are drink your liver is delay too. If you want to be health you must haven't bad habits.
Also, you should do sport. Sport can be well for different parts of the human body. Like, football is good for legs and tennis - for arms and belly. You can go to the fitness center too. In the fitness center, ussualy dance or run on the running truck as well. And do many others things.
At all, this is your choose to be healthy or to be always ill.
Лето – самая замечательная пора. Я всегда очень жду летних каникул. Люблю играть в футбол, купаться в реке, ходить в лес, путешествовать. Лето – самое подходящее время года для всего этого. Этим летом я много занимался спортом – играл в футбол на школьном стадионе почти каждый день. Летом я не только гулял, купался и загорал. Когда шел дождь, я читал свои любимые книги. Одна из них – «Белый клык» Джека Лондона. Она мне очень понравилась, и я хочу рассказать о ней. Главный герой – Белый Клык – собака-волк, очень преданный и справедливый на большую и искреннюю привязанность. Этих качеств сейчас очень не хватает многим людям. Я хотел бы иметь такого четвероного друга, как Белый Клык. Я с нетерпением буду ждать следующего лета!
Summer is the most wonderful time. I am always looking forward to the summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, travel. Summer is the best time of the year for all this. This summer I did a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day. In the summer I not only walked, bathed and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is Jack London's White Fang. I really liked her, and I want to talk about her. The main character is White Fang - a wolf dog, very faithful and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. These qualities are now very lacking for many people. I would like to have such a fourth friend as White Fang. I look forward to next summer!
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