Задание 2. В следующих предложениях переведите сказуемое на английский язык, подобрав нужный глагол, согласно рекомендации, данной в скобках.
[везде употребляем глаголы в пассивном залоге]
The fine structure of films was analyzed.A new method of integrating the equations is tested.The development cycle of the phenomenon is explored.Blocking effects in scattering the particles have been studied.The electron creating rate is discussed.The design of this radio apparatus was described.The role of the changed conditions is examined.The method of integrating the equation has already been discussed.The shift of energy levels is determined by evaluating.The electron generation rate has been calculated.Задание 3. Переведите следующие предложения по образцу, подобрав глаголы с соответствующим оттенком значения. Поставьте сказуемое в нужной временной форме.примерSoftware is studied.The research of data base system has been held.Properties of particles were described.The advantages of using COBOL are being discussed.The technical advances in this area were examined.Computer-aided design is being discussed.Numerical control has been calculated.Graphical capabilities of this device are being determined.Finite-element analysis is being analyzed.Machine-vision is being determined.
ps: Во многих упражениях максимально подходит Present Continuous, потому что действия происходят в настоящий период времени. Однако в первом задании ни разу не приведен пример с этим временем. Напиши комментарий, если хочешь, чтобы я исправил все на Present Simple, как этого требует первое задание.
I think Rosemary behaved this way because she began to be jealous of her husband, who most likely did not say such words to her, for a very long time and felt jealousy for Mss. Smith. After all, Smith picked up the main character on the street in order to feel a new sensation, she had never done so before, tried to be careful and courteous with her, but she does not know how to behave, because she is used to the fact that all attention is riveted to her, but she is trying. And when she heard that Smith was pretty and lovely, her self-esteem was hurt.
[везде употребляем глаголы в пассивном залоге]
The fine structure of films was analyzed.A new method of integrating the equations is tested.The development cycle of the phenomenon is explored.Blocking effects in scattering the particles have been studied.The electron creating rate is discussed.The design of this radio apparatus was described.The role of the changed conditions is examined.The method of integrating the equation has already been discussed.The shift of energy levels is determined by evaluating.The electron generation rate has been calculated.Задание 3. Переведите следующие предложения по образцу, подобрав глаголы с соответствующим оттенком значения. Поставьте сказуемое в нужной временной форме.примерSoftware is studied.The research of data base system has been held.Properties of particles were described.The advantages of using COBOL are being discussed.The technical advances in this area were examined.Computer-aided design is being discussed.Numerical control has been calculated.Graphical capabilities of this device are being determined.Finite-element analysis is being analyzed.Machine-vision is being determined.ps: Во многих упражениях максимально подходит Present Continuous, потому что действия происходят в настоящий период времени. Однако в первом задании ни разу не приведен пример с этим временем. Напиши комментарий, если хочешь, чтобы я исправил все на Present Simple, как этого требует первое задание.