My cousin has a big black cat. My cousin's cat has two kittens, a cat likes milk, kittens like milk, two.
There is a new supermarket in a centre of our town.
There is a hotel over there. the hotel isnt cheap
I see a bottle of pineapple juice on the kitchen table
There is a beautiful picture in my father's study
My friend's flat is very comfortable
There are three rooms in a flat: a living room, study and bedroom. a living room is not very large. the walls in the living room are blue. There are pictures on the walls. There in a table in a middle of the room with some chairs around it. to a left of the door there i a sofa. Near the sofa there are two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is a piano in my friend's living room. A piano is to right of the door. The bedroom and the study are small. the furniture in a flat is brown.
1. Перевод:
Люди пользовались фейерверками ещё с 7 века, чтобы праздновать особые события, но как именно они действуют?(фейерверки)
У большинства фейерверков есть две главные части. В их низу расположено маленькое отделение, наполненное чёрным порохом. Это отделение подсоединено к взрывателю/запалу. Большинство людей вкладывают фейерверки внутрь железных труб а затем направляют их прямо в небо. После того, как запал прогорит несколько секунд, он поджигает порох на дне и заставляет его взрываться. Тогда, фейерверки вылетают из трубы прямо в небо.
Когда отделение на дне фейерверка взрывается, то оно поджигает другой запал который горит во время того, пока фейерверки поднимаются к небу. Через несколько секунд, этот второй запал также поджигает отделение с порохом и заставляет его взрываться. Когда это происходит, маленькие горящие шарики вылетают из фейерверка в небо.
Эти маленькие шарики называются "звёздами" и они напичканы химикатами. Когда эти химикаты горят, они создают красивые лучи света в небе во всех возможных цветах! К примеру, медь будет создавать синий или фиолетовые цвета, в то время как магний создаст яркий белый свет.
1. Someone puts the firework in a steel tube.
2. Someone lights af use in the bottom container.
3. The gunpowder in the bottom container explodes.
4. The firework rises into the sky.
5. The fuse in the top container starts burning.
6. The gunpowder in the top container explodes.
7. Balls burst out of the top container.
8. Burning balls create rays of colours in the sky.
Drawing — my favourite school subject. Why it so is pleasant to me? Probably, because we have very good teacher — Victor Sergeyevich. At its lessons it is always very interesting therefore time flies imperceptibly. Most often we draw from life. We choose to themselves a subject or group of subjects and we try to represent them on a sheet of paper so that they were as the presents. In a drawing office there are a lot of various small jugs, cups, plates, there are vases with the beaten-off slices, them more difficult to draw, but it is much more interesting. If something is impossible, Victor Sergeyevich always will help, will prompt and will sincerely be glad to our successes. Most of all I like to draw the nature. In the spring when there come warm days, Victor Sergeyevich conducts lessons in a school garden. On the last occupation we drew a birch, it was very beautifully shined with the sun, its gentle leaves shone in beams of the tender April sun. If we don't manage to finish the works at a lesson, Victor Sergeyevich allows us to finish their houses and puts down marks at the following lesson. In an office of drawing there is a big library in which many books on the fine arts are collected. Victor Sergeyevich often acquaints us with works of great masters and very interestingly tells about their destinies. At drawing lessons we learn to see and love the world, for what I am very grateful to our teacher. думаю твоему учителю понравиться