1. Yes it is.
2. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.
3. Russia borders on many countries, such as Mongolia and China in the south-east, Finland and Norway in the north-west, and so on.
4. The main mountain chains are the Urals, The Caucasus and the Altai.
The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal.
5. The current opoulation of Russia is more than 150 million people.
6. The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people.
1. Russia is located in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.
2. The vast territory of Russia is washed by the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
3. Russia borders on Mongolia, China, Finland and other countries.
4. Russia has a large number of mineral deposits.
5. Russia's minerals include oil, gas, coal, iron, gold and more.
6. The form of government in Russia, one of the leading world powers, is the presidential republic.
Kangaroos are large marsupials that are found only in Australia. They are identified by their muscular tails, strong back legs, large feet, short fur and long, pointed ears. Like all marsupials, a sub-type of mammal, females have pouches that contain mammary glands, where their young live until they are old enough to emerge.
Кенгуру большие сумчатые, которые находятся только в Австралии. Они идентифицируются по их мышечным хвостам, сильным задним ногам, большие ноги, короткая шерсть и длинные, заостренные уши. Как и все сумчатые, суб-виды млекопитающих, у самок есть мешочки, которые содержат молочные железы, где их младенец питается там же, пока он не станут достаточно взрослым.