Без категории

There was … man talking to … woman outside my house … man looked English but …
woman was foreign.
a. a/the/a/the
b. the/the/a/a
c. a/a/a/the
d. the/a/the/a
e. a/a/the/the
2. Tim’s … coach was stronger than … rest.
a. -/-
b. -/the
c. a/the
d. -/a
e. The/a
3. Choose the appropriate prepositions.
… my opinion Askat has an advantage … his friends.
a. To/above
b. In/over
c. Of/over
d. In/above
e. In/on
4. Complete the dialogue.
 What do you do?
 … .
a. Very well. Thank you.
b. I’m an architect
c. Pleased to meet you
d. It doesn’t matter.
e. Cheers! See you!
5. Choose the word which can’t be associated with the given profession.
A chef
a. A spoon
b. A frying pan
c. To roast
d. An oven
e. To edit
6. Choose the appropriate pronouns.
 Did you meet … friends at the party?
 No, I met … .
a. Some of yours/ no
b. Any of your/ none
c. Any of your/ no
d. Some of your/no
e. Any of you/none

7. Choose the appropriate adjectives.
That is … eraser I have ever used.
a. Best
b. The best
c. –
d. Good
e. Better
8. Choose the appropriate adjectives.
I never knew her English was … than that of her teacher’s.
a. Good
b. Best
c. better
d. The best
e. –
9. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.
Hamid says he’s 25 years old, but nobody … him.
a. Is believing
b. Believes
c. Had believed
d. Don’t believe
e. Doesn’t believe
10. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.
When I … him up they said that he … an hour before.
a. Call/left
b. Called/has left
c. Should call/has left
d. Call/leaves
e. Called/had left
11. Choose the appropriate modal verb.
As Mr John hadn’t got the dictionary at hand, he … guess the meaning of the word.
a. Should
b. Can
c. Has to
d. Must
e. Had to
12. Choose the appropriate pronouns.
… met … in the street and … told … all about it.
a. They/him/he/me
b. He/him/them/they
c. They/him/he/them
d. He/them/she/him
e. She/her/he/them
13. Choose the right question to the text.
Today everyone wants peace, but not everyone yet realizes that peace can not be assured by
armed forces or by imposing one’s own way of life on others.
a. Can armed forces assure peace?

b. Many people impose their own way of life on others, don’t they?
c. What must we do if we want peace?
d. Does he fight for peace?
e. Everyone has his own way of life, hasn’t he?
14. Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
If you friend is seriously ill you should go to see him.
a. Ask about
b. Leave
c. See
d. Visit
e. Approach
15. Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
Karim found out that she had left for Italy.
a. Listened
b. Told
c. Learned
d. Saw
e. Recognized
16. Choose suitable question.
Our telephone is out of order.
a. What day is it today?
b. Where is your sister now?
c. What’s wrong with it?
d. When did you buy it?
e. What did your mother tell youto do?
17. Choose the appropriate pronouns.
Soon Dick finished dinner and paid the waitress.
a. He/it/it
b. She/it/him
c. She/it/her
d. He/it/her
e. He/it/him
18. Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word.
Please, push the car to one side.
a. Park
b. Pull
c. Move
d. Bring
e. Break
19. Choose the antonym.
In this country the climate is hot and damp.
a. Sunny
b. Dry
c. Cool
d. Cold
e. Windy

20. Choose the appropriate words.
Last week a … fire spread … through the … house.
a. Terrible/quickly/old
b. Terrible/quick/old
c. Terribly/quick/old
d. Terribly/quickly/old
e. Terrible/quick/older
21. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.
… you tell him about it when you … him?
a. Did/see
b. Does/saw
c. Will/see
d. Would/see
e. Do/will see
22. Complete the dialogue.
 … .
 Because I need it for my job.
a. Why have you come here?
b. Why are you learning English?
c. Who made you buy this book?
d. Why don’t you learn a foreign language?
e. Why are these books on your table?
23. Very surprising and difficult to believe means …
a. boring.
b. amazing.
c. anniversary.
d. dangerous.
e. travelling.
24. Right form of the Participle:
I don’t find this story … .
a. unamusing
b. amusing
c. amuseful
d. unamused
e. amused
25. Choose the noun:
a. Stretch.
b. Obesity.
c. Thirsty.
d. Suspicious.
e. Nearly.


1. e

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. e

6. b

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. e

11. e

12. b

13. c

14. d

15. c

16. c

17. d

18. b

19. d

20. a

21. d

22. b

23. b

24. c

25. b


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1If you … (looked) both ways before crossing the street, you wouldn’t have been knocked down. 2 If I (were) you, I would phone my mother tonight. 3 If he hadn’t stopped the car, he … (would have had) an accident. 4 I … (would give) some money to charity if I won a competition. 5 Unless we … (leaves) now, we’ll be late. 6 Your friend wouldn’t have phoned if you … (had not met) her in the street. 7 If I hadn’t woken up early, I … (would have been) late for work. 8 If I … (had ) more time, I would tidy the garden. 9 If John … (phones), can you take a message. 10 If I were you, I … (would get) someone to help me.
4,6(92 оценок)
 В Британии во многих средних школах ношение школьной формы является обязательным.Некоторые школы соглашаются, что в этой системе много преимуществ, но студенты могут также видеть некоторые неудобства. Главным преимуществом школьных форм является то, что они дают простую индивидуальность школе.Другое преимущество - это то, что студенты выглядят изящно, когда они все вместе. И наконец, студенты, чьи родители не могут позволить себе хорошую одежду, выглядят также, как и кто-нибудь другой и не чувствуют себя хуже. Но студенты также находят некоторые недостатки школьной формы. Когда тебе приходится носить одинаковую одежду, такую же как кто-то еще, у тебя нет шанса развивать свой личный вкус. Но самой главной причиной, по которой большинство студентов не любят школьные формы является то, что иногда они ужасных цветов и стилей.Таким образом, понятно, что существуют аргументы в поддер
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