1.Math The following words to the correct definitions 1. movement
2. mechanical movement (watch
3. automatic movement (watch)
4. quartz movement (watch)
5. spring
6. hour Hand
7. dial
8. crown
9. band
10. balance wheel
11. bridge
12. wind
13. plate
14. pivot
A the whole assembly of all the main timekeeping parts (organs) of a watch. Movements
can be mechanical, automatic, and quartz.
B a metal part of the watch mechanism in which at least one of the pivots of the moving
parts of the watch mechanism usually turns
C These watches are battery powered and much more precise than even the most expensivo
manual wind watches
D The type of mechanical watch, which winds with the movement of the wearer's wrist by
a small weight rotating with the motion. People can wind the automatic watch by
turning the crown
E the type of a watch that operates without any electrical source and may include manual
wind watches or automatic watches.
F a long thin piece of metal in the shape of a coil that quickly gets its original shape again
after you stop stretching it
G part of a watch mechanism that indicates the face of the watch
H the part of a clock or watch that is round and has hands that move to show the time
I the thing that points to the hour on a clock or watch. The thing that points to the minute
is called the minute hand, and the thing that points to the seconds is called the second
J the strap to wrap around a person's wrist and keep the watch in position
K a device which functions similar to a pendulum. This device is used to regularise the
movement to regulate time equally in a watch or clock
L a metal plate that is used for supporting the bridges and different parts of the movement
M the integral part of the watch mechanism with which to wind the watch. Can be a screw
down version or pull-out and are also used for setting the time and the calendar
N if you wind or wind up a watch or a clock, you make it operate by turning a part of it
around and around
In Russian Chronicles, Novgorod was first mentioned only in the 9th century, or rather in 859. From Novgorod, according to the chronicle, went Russian land. Here reigned Rurik, here sat Prince Oleg.
Novgorod the great Novgorod the times of the 9th century, was a little not where modern. The city stood 2 kilometers above the Kremlin, on the opposite Bank of the river Volkhva. Today this place is called a Settlement. In this place was the residence of the princes. It was here that Prince Alexander Nevsky lived. In the modern Settlement since ancient times, little has survived, except that the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa. The temple is very beautiful, and being in Novgorod, a tourist is simply obliged to visit it.
During the reign of Vladimir the Red Sun Novgorod adopted Christianity. Novgorod, did not want to be christened, in the city even there were riots which were cruelly suppressed by a princely team. Well lived in the city during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. In the city, literate people are actively taught the children, built churches, houses and outbuildings.
In Russia after the death of Vladimir the Red Sun began strife. So, Yaroslav's brother Wise Svyatopolk, killed other brothers Boris and Gleb, Svyatoslav. Yaroslav was next. In 1016, collected Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod army and gave Sviatopolk battle. Svyatopolk was a bit, and the winner began to reign in Kiev. Strife continued…
In 1045, Vladimir Yaroslavovich, son of Yaroslav the Wise, built St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod. The Cathedral was an analogue of Kiev, only smaller. This is a grandiose building, the largest architectural monument of ancient Russia. In the Cathedral are kept: the icon of the Mother of God "the Sign", the relics of Princess Anna, Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich, Mstislav the Brave, saints Nikita and John.
Veliky Novgorod was a well-equipped city. In the 12th century there was Sewerage and water supply. Novgorod wooden bridges, as much as two centuries older than Paris. In the 11th century in Velikiy Novgorod, in the Windows of the rich courtyards, you can see the glass.
Novgorod in the city there is a stunningly beautiful place that will please the eye of any Orthodox person. We are talking about Yaroslav's court. In the 11th century, there was a Palace of Yaroslav the Wise, soon near the Palace there were temples: the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Paraskeva Church Friday, the Church of the myrrh-Bearers and Procopius. There is also a Gostiny Dvor and exhibitions of the Novgorod Museum of the reserve. As in any ancient Russian city of Novgorod in the many monasteries. Being in Novgorod, be sure to visit the St. George monastery (g. Novgorod-St. George, a 15-minute ride on bus 7 route), Antoniev monastery, Varlaam-Khutyn Transfiguration Convent (the village of Khutyn), Nikolo-Vaiski convent (village Waishi). Believers who came with a tour to Novgorod, it will be interesting to see the local churches: the Church of Theodore Stratilat on the Creek, the Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyinskaya street, Znamensky Cathedral, the Church of Peter and Paul in Kozhevniki, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration on Kovalev, the Church of the Nativity of the virgin on the Red field, the Church of Vlas, the Church of Boris and Gleb in Carpenters, the Church of the Annunciation on Myachin.
Speaking about the sights of Novgorod, it is impossible not to mention the local Kremlin. Novgorod Kremlin, first appeared in 1044, in the 14th century, the Kremlin "petrified". For the Novgorod Kremlin for a long time no one watched. In 1701, during the Northern War, after the defeat of the troops of Peter I near Narva, the Kremlin was restored and put on alert.
To tell about all the beauty of the city is hardly possible in one article. Tourists who go to Novgorod should definitely visit the Museum of wooden architecture. The Museum is called "Vitoslavlitsy", and is located near St. George monastery.
There are no problems with cafes and restaurants in Novgorod. A tourist can choose what he can afford. Near the Kremlin there are "eateries", for those who are richer - "Holmgard"," at court"," Golden ladle"," enchantress","net". There are options for lunch in Novgorod and cheaper: bistro "Ilmen" and bistro restaurant "at the court."
The cultural and historical significance of Veliky Novgorod for Russia cannot be overestimated. Around the city there was a huge number of monasteries and temples. It was they who brought literacy to the masses. In Veliky Novgorod began to rule Alexander Nevsky, who beat the Teutons. Novgorod escaped the devastation of the Tatar yoke, and in it, the locals were able to preserve the fullness and beauty of Russian culture.