Hi! My name is Yana. I am a schoolgirl. I have a pet.It is a cat. My cat`s name is Murzik. He is big and fat. He is four years old. He has a long tail. Murzik likes to eat fish and drink milk. He likes "Whiskas" very much. My cat is very kind. All the members of our family like to play with Murzik. I love Murzik and he loves me too.
Привет! Меня зовут Яна. Я школьница. У меня есть домашнее животное. Это кот. Моего кота зовут Мурзик. Он большой и толстый.Ему четыре года. У него длинный хвост. Мурзик любит есть рыбу и пить молоко. Он очень любит есть " Вискас". Мой кот очень добрый. Все члены нашей семьи любят играть с Мурзиком. Я люблю Мурзика,и он любит меня тоже.
1) This student made few mistakes in his control work yesterday and got a good mark for it. 2) Who did this work yesterday? 3) What exercises do you usually do at home? 4) My sister speaks English very well and teaches her children to speak English 5) We often talk about our work. 6) Please, talk to her about it in the evening. 7) I didn't tell her about it yesterday 8) When did you finish school? - I finished it in 1950. 9) Who of you finished school in 1960? 10) My sister graduated Moscow University last year. Now she teaches German. 11) Where did you leave your notebook? - I think, I left it at work yesterday. 12) He usually leaves his book here.