Riding a bicycle is very useful. But people don't always take a bicycle for the following reasons. One of the reasons is the absence of bicycle lanes. Let's look an adcantages and disadvantages of riding a bicycle and building bike lanes. The most important advantage is more simplier and safer riding for bikers around the city. The disadvantage is that there isn't enough place for bike lanes in the city. So, it will be necessary to allocate part of road or pavement. As a result, there will be no place for pedestrians and road capacity will be reduced. Besides, many pedestrians ignore road signs and go along the bike lanes. This impedes bike traffic and increases the probability of accidents. In addition, a lot of money is required for building of bike lanes since it is necessary to put asphalt, draw markings and place road signs. I believe that in future the bike lanes will be an integral part of roads and a bicycle will become an important part of our life.
Grandma loved to play with dolls. At that time, they were straw and rag, and made their children with their hands. Rag dolls were made of wool and scraps of fabric, and straw - made of straw. The rag doll was pulled around the waist, the hair was made of tow, and the eyes were painted with charcoal. And still the balls did with the hands: twisted tight a lot of rags and tied up them with a rope. Grandpa was making wooden guns, whistles. In the summer of clay sculpted different figures. Children's posudki did not exist, and therefore collected the shards of broken crockery and played them. Loved to do birch twigs shawls and played them. At that time there were no shop toys, but there was a fantasy and thrift, so each hand-made toy loved and cherished as the most expensive.
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