Questions in past simple. Telling the information in past simple tense We use past simple tense to ask questions about past actions.
- what did you do yesterday, Sam?
- well, nothing special. I WOKE up at 9 am, BRUSHED my teeth, WASHED my face, ATE breakfast and PLAYED with my cat and what about you?
When we answer the question we always try to give the full answer and ask the same.
Завдання : переглянути відео , дати повну відповідь на питання. Письмово . Фото надіслати у вайбер чи телеграм.
What did the girl do yesterday?
What did the boy do yesterday?
What did the teacher do yesterday?
What did their classmates do yesterday?
What does the boy do in summer?
What does the girl do in summer?
long - longer - the longest
comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
terrible -more terrible - the most terrible
young - younger - the youngest
difficult - more difficult - the most difficult
short - shorter - the shortest
far - farther, further - the farthest, furthest
clean - cleaner - the cleanest
big - bigger - the biggest
important - more important - the most important
bad - worse - the worst
old - older - the oldest
light - lighter - the lightest
good - better - the best
little - less - the least
fine - finer, the finest
early - earlier - the earliest
poor - poorer - the poorest
many - more - the most
busy - busier - the busiest