1. Our students will recognize the economic basis of social life.Будущее простое время, активный залог простое время, пассивный залог простое время, активный залог 4. The most important modification of classical concepts of the free economy is the work of John Maynard Keynes.Настоящее простое время, активный залог5. A principal result of Keynes's teaching has been reflected in governmental attempts to control the business cycle by putting money directly into the economy. Настоящее завершенное действие, пассивный залог 6. Business should follow freely the "natural laws" of economics without government interference. Настоящее простое время, активный залог7. Wages tend to stabilize at the subsistence level. Настоящее простое время, активный залог длительное, активный залог длительное время, пассивный залог простое время, актиный залог10. Microeconomics observes the workings of the market on an individual or group within an economic system.Настоящее простое время, активный залог
My best friend called Lily who studies at school has some problem with teachers and her classmates .She does not very good at science and does all thing not as it should.In some situation her parents ashamed of her.Every day she feel depressed and stressed hersef.None has understood her so she decided to die but her mother save her then she start to go to another school and have there many friends .Her parents become more attentıve.So solutıon of all problem ıs just talkıng to each other ...
1.Will recognize-future simple
2.was marked-pas simple(passive)
3.reached-past simple
4.is-present simple
5.has been reflected-present perfect
6.should followpresent simple
7.tend-present simple
8.was writing-past continious
9.was-past simple
10.observes-present simple