My favorite athlete is Lionel Messi. He is 33 years old. He was born on June 24, 1987 in Rosario, Argentina. At the moment, Lionel plays for one of the best football teams - Barcelona. And also stands for his national team - Argentina. During his career, Messi received a lot of awards and fell in love with almost the whole world. Probably there are no more people left who have not heard about him. In his team, he plays at number 10. Lionel has a wife, Antonella. There are three sons: Thiago, Mateo and Chiro. I have never met a player more talented than Lionel Messi.
2 эссе:
My favorite athlete is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is 35 years old. He was born on February 5, 1985 in Funchal, Portugal. Cristiano played for such legendary teams as: Sporting, Manchester United, Real Madrid. At the moment, Ronaldo plays for the Italian team - Juventus. And also represents his national team Portugal. Cristiano Ronaldo distinguished himself with a special talent. Speed, strength, perseverance, talent, grace, thanks to these qualities, Ronaldo has become one of the best players in the world. Cristiano has a lot of trophies. Ronaldo's wife: Georgy Rodriguez. Children: Cristiano Ronaldo Jr., Alana Martina Ronaldo, Eva Maria dos Santos, Mateo Ronaldo.
1. I eat porridge in the morning.
To make this sentence, we need to rearrange the words in a logical order. The subject is "I," followed by the verb "eat," and then the object "porridge." Finally, we add the time indicator "in the morning."
2. She does not drink coffee with milk.
Again, we rearrange the words to form a coherent sentence. The subject is "She," followed by the negative auxiliary verb "does not." Then, we have the main verb "drink" and the objects "coffee" and "milk."
3. They like hamburgers with cheese.
This sentence is already in a correct word order. The subject is "They," followed by the verb "like." Then, we have the object "hamburgers" and the prepositional phrase "with cheese."
4. We do not eat fish or salad for breakfast.
Here, the subject is "We." We use the negative auxiliary verb "do not" before the main verb "eat." Then, we list the objects "fish" and "salad." Finally, we add the time indicator "for breakfast."
5. I would like orange juice for supper.
This sentence starts with the subject pronoun "I." We then use the modal verb "would like" to express a desire. Next, we have the object "orange juice," followed by the time indicator "for supper."
6. Lizzy does not drink mineral water.
Again, we start with the subject "Lizzy." We use the negative auxiliary verb "does not" before the main verb "drink." Finally, we have the object "mineral water."
By following these step-by-step explanations, you should be able to form correct sentences using the given words.
Конечно, я помогу! В таблице изображены различные объекты и предметы, и из них нам нужно найти слова, связанные с распорядком дня. Для этого нужно приступить к анализу каждого элемента таблицы.
1. Начнем с верхней строки. Здесь мы видим "Часы" - это очень важный предмет, который помогает нам следить за временем и устанавливать распорядок дня.
2. Перейдем к следующей строке. Здесь есть несколько предметов: "Шапка" и "Очки". Хотя они не непосредственно связаны с распорядком дня, они могут быть полезными в определенных ситуациях, например, если нужно выйти на прогулку в холодную или светлую погоду.
3. Перейдем к третьей строке. Здесь есть "Телефон" и "Планшет". Эти предметы связаны с технологиями и могут использоваться для планирования распорядка дня, например, через использование приложений с календарем или напоминалками.
4. Продолжим со следующей строкой. Здесь есть "Книга" и "Ручка". Хотя они не напрямую связаны с распорядком дня, они могут быть полезными для записей и планирования важных встреч или заданий.
5. Перейдем к следующей строке. Здесь есть "Рюкзак" - это предмет, который можно использовать для переноски книг, тетрадей и других материалов, необходимых для выполнения задач в течение дня.
6. Продолжим со следующей строкой. Здесь есть "Уроки" - это ключевое слово, связанное с распорядком дня, так как оно указывает на учебы, которые мы должны выполнить по определенному расписанию.
7. Перейдем к последней строке. Здесь есть "Замок" и "Ключ". Хотя они не непосредственно связаны с распорядком дня, они могут быть связаны с хранением важных вещей или материалов.
Итак, в таблице ниже найдены следующие слова, связанные с распорядком дня: Часы, Телефон, Планшет, Книга, Рюкзак и Уроки. Эти предметы или понятия могут помочь нам планировать и организовывать наш день.
1 эссе:
My favorite athlete is Lionel Messi. He is 33 years old. He was born on June 24, 1987 in Rosario, Argentina. At the moment, Lionel plays for one of the best football teams - Barcelona. And also stands for his national team - Argentina. During his career, Messi received a lot of awards and fell in love with almost the whole world. Probably there are no more people left who have not heard about him. In his team, he plays at number 10. Lionel has a wife, Antonella. There are three sons: Thiago, Mateo and Chiro. I have never met a player more talented than Lionel Messi.
2 эссе:
My favorite athlete is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is 35 years old. He was born on February 5, 1985 in Funchal, Portugal. Cristiano played for such legendary teams as: Sporting, Manchester United, Real Madrid. At the moment, Ronaldo plays for the Italian team - Juventus. And also represents his national team Portugal. Cristiano Ronaldo distinguished himself with a special talent. Speed, strength, perseverance, talent, grace, thanks to these qualities, Ronaldo has become one of the best players in the world. Cristiano has a lot of trophies. Ronaldo's wife: Georgy Rodriguez. Children: Cristiano Ronaldo Jr., Alana Martina Ronaldo, Eva Maria dos Santos, Mateo Ronaldo.