Напишите, что вы можете сказать в классе в таких ситуациях:
1) Вы около доски и хотите идти на своё место.
May I go to my place?
2) Вы не поняли, что делать после теста. (контрольной)
What do we have to do after the test?
3) Вы не уверены, что англичане используют выражение для боровика - 'белый гриб'.
Do the English call a boletus (ceps) - 'a white mushroom' like the Russians?
4) Вы хотите знать провописание слова "education" (образование).
What is the spelling of the word "education" ?
5) Вы хотите знать, должны ли Вы идти к доске.
Shall I go to the blackboard? / Do I need to go to the board?
6) Вы хотите знать, надо ли Вам делать это упражнение дома.
Do we have to do this exercise at home?
Most of all I like my physical culture lessons. It is because our teacher is very kind and first of all I like playing football with my classmates.
Also I like lessons of painting. My friends told me, that I will be great painter! Of course, I understand, that they are joking. I like this lesson ,because I can relax on it after a hard work.
Lessons of Ukrainian language are as a new breath for me. My teacher is very smart woman (man) and she (he) give to us a lohelpfel information.
I think, that every lesson is important ,but some of them are my favorite. And I have just told you about them