Planet Artestrest. This planet is the third planet in the Marial system. It has almost the same weather conditions, as on Earth. Artestrest is second planet in the Marial system with, who we call "homo sapiens". Even though they have a mind, their look is very different. There are different races, some of them even live ender water! The most advanced race is asantas, who live in water and share one mind, they are genius. On Artestrest there are plants and animals, that are very similar to what we have on Earth. But since the first type of animal died out, each and every conscious being was saving animals and nature. Thats why most races don't eat meat. They find all substances, that their organisms need in plants and so. The population of Artestrest is alike humans, but their organisms changed depending on the environment. Those, who live in water of cource have gills and fish tales. Those, who live in forests and watch the nature have light green skin color. This nation is unique.
1))посадки леса занимают 420 га. или занимают 63,5 этой площади,а сосны 29%. на сколько гектаров площадь,занятая елями ,больше площади, занятой соснами 420*0,635=266,7 ели занимают 420*0,29=121,8 сосны занимают на 266,7-121,8=144,9 гектаров площадь,занятая елями ,больше площади, занятой соснами2)) 1) 1- 0.4=0.6 - ост. время 2) 0.6: 9*5=1/3 -реш 3)0.6- 1/3=4/15 -сам раб 4)45/15*4=12 мин3))100%-40%=60%осталось после продажи 40% картофеля 60*30: 100=18% продали 30% остатка 60-18=42% картофеля осталось
1) She(Vanessa)
3)They-E and S
7)The-C and P
8) They-E and A
9) We
my friends-my(we0
My mother-My