Trafalgar Square is the GEOGRAPHICAL centre of London.
It was built to commemorate the NAVAL victory of Britain.
A lot of tourists come to this FAMOUS square every day.
It is busy and NOISY all year round.
I am sure this place is very INTERESTING and is worth VISITING.
London IS the capital of Great Britain.
The Romans FOUNDED a settlement on the river Thames MORE than 2000 years ago.
It WAS CALLED Londinium.
Now this large and prosperous city HAS a lot of sightseeings.
Not far from Trafalgar Square there is a quiet little street. It is Downing Street. At number 10 each Prime Minister has lived. Walking forward we come to Parliament Square. Westminster Abbey is situated here. It was founded in the 11-th century. Almost all British kings and queens have been crowned here.
My little sister comes (-) home at half past five.
Our classroom is on the second floor.
Russia is washed by the ocean in the north.
Самая простая и популярная. Задание – бытовое-житейское. Нужно было заметить, что три кнопки на домофоне с более стертыми цифрами и при этом светлее. Я старалась осветлять кнопки с разной интенсивностью, но в принципе можно было и все шесть кодов проверить. Правильный код – 265.