Shrek is an imaginary character of the children's book of W. Steyg "Shrek" and series of cartoons. He is a huge man-eater who lives in the moor alone but is very happy because of it. Shrek has a big head, two piped ears, green skin. He always wears beige shirt, brown waistcoat, brown pants and shoes. He prefers calm and comfortable way of life. But the inhabitants who live near him make an attacks at his house. So, to avoid such situations, because he is friendly and soft indeed, he puts rude and frightening nameplates around his home.
Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs. Helen: Hello, Sally! Where WILL you CELEBRATE the New. Year? . Sally: Hi, Helen! I think I SHALL CELEBRATE the New Year at my Granny's. And what about you? Helen: I'm going to have a party at home. I BAUGHT all the presents last week. DID you BUY presents? . Sally: Yes, I did . Whom WILL you INVITE to the party? Helen: My friends. Where ARE your sister? Sally: She's at home now . She DECORATING The New Year tree. Helen: I see. I LIKE the New Year very much. I SHALL NOT GOto school tomorrow. I think I SHALL GET a lot of presents. (to get ) Happy New Year!
1). Заполните пропуски, используя правильную видовременную форму модальных глаголов can, may, must, should. 1. You should go to the doctor. 2. May I use your telephone? 3. She can play the piano, but she can't play the guitar. 4. They can’t buy a car now, but they may buy it in 3 months.
2). Откройте скобки, используя Present Perfect, Past Simple или Present Perfect Progressive. 1. The Browns have had that car since 1998. 2. Where is he? We have been waiting for him for half an hour already. 3. She hasn't built the house yet. 4. The children played hockey the day before yesterday. 5. Where is the magazine? – I have put it on the table. 6. We have been waiting for you since 10 o’clock. 7. How long have you been in London?
3). Укажите время, используемое в данных предложениях. 1. They always play in this place.=Present Simple 2. She had told the story by 6 o’clock.=Past Perfect 3. He has been smoking for 5 years.=Present Perfect Continuous 4. The rain has already stopped.=Present Perfect 5. I saw him last week.=Past Simple 6. We will soon discover it.=Future Simple
4). Дополните предложения словами по теме «Путешествия». 1. They had a lot of (luggage) when they travelled last month. 2. English is the (official) language in the UK. 3. Where is your (insurance), by the way? 4. Have you got (through passport control) yet? 5. I am not sure that this ship was (unsinkable). 6. We live in (multi national) country
ответ: шрек
Shrek is an imaginary character of the children's book of W. Steyg "Shrek" and series of cartoons. He is a huge man-eater who lives in the moor alone but is very happy because of it. Shrek has a big head, two piped ears, green skin. He always wears beige shirt, brown waistcoat, brown pants and shoes. He prefers calm and comfortable way of life. But the inhabitants who live near him make an attacks at his house. So, to avoid such situations, because he is friendly and soft indeed, he puts rude and frightening nameplates around his home.