Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a brilliant action movie starring Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. A gripping storyline revolves around the Black Pearl crew's attempts to rescue their captain, Jack Sparrow, from prison. As well as the usual adventures at sea, some of the story takes place in exotic Singapore.
The game is truly convincing thanks to its excellent cast, including Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swan and Keith Richardson as Captain Sparrow's dad. The film is full of special effects. For example, Davey Jones, the captain of a ghost ship, has a beard that wriggles like the tentacles of an octopus. And also the scene of battles with swords, acrobatic stunts remind you of the circus. Finally, the costumes are really colorful and recreate the atmosphere of that period. No wonder the At World's End had such a box office success!
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
1. Erlik was the lord of underworld, the land where the dead dwell.
2. To keep his baby son safe, Madaai-Kara decided to take Kögüdei Mergen to the Black Mountain and leave him there, where a poor woman of Altai found him.
3. The new ruler, Kara-Kula, made all of Maadai-Kara's people slaves.
4. In the underworld Kögüdei Mergen fought Erlik and won. Then he released all the good souls, from the underworld, leaving behind only those who were guilty of committing terrible acts in life.
5. When their lives came to an end, Kögüdei Mergen, Altyn Küskü and the seven great khans became stars.
1. Эрлик был владыкой подземного мира, земли, где обитают мертвые.
2. Чтобы уберечь своего маленького сына, Мадай-Кара решил отвезти Кегюдея Мергена на Чёрную гору, и оставить там, где его нашла бедная алтайская женщина.
3. Новый правитель, Кара-Кула, сделал всех людей Маадай-Кары рабами.
4. В преступном мире Kögüdei Мерген, воевал и победил. Затем он освободил все добрые души из подземного мира, оставив после себя только тех, кто был виновен в совершении ужасных деяний в жизни.
5. Когда их жизнь подошла к концу, Кегюдей Мерген, Алтын Кюскю и семь великих xанов стали звездами.
1) Some
2) Everyone
3) any
4) Someone
5) Everywhere
6) anything
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