1. - Man it was so awesome yesterday! - What on earth are you talking about? - Oh, don't tell me that you wasn't at a party yesterday. Or was you? - No, I was getting ready for a test. - What?! Test?! 2. - Why are you so sad? - Tell me what you think. Is there any chance that she will forgive me? - I really don't know. If she loves you she will. 3. - You know, school is not so bad after all. - Are you kidding me?! It's the worst thing ever! 4. - How come you didn't come to me yesterday? - I'm so sorry but I couldn't. - oh, it's okay. 5. - why are. you so tired? - well, i had about 25 patients maybe more or less. - You should have a rest.
1)Darya Domracheva is worthy of respect for the fact that it is a very human champion:Дарья Домрачева достойна уважения за то, что она очень человечная чемпионка. 2)Domracheva took off with her boyfriend author's film:Домрачева сняла с бойфрендом авторский фильм. 3) Не замужем, детей нет.Not married, no children. 4)The elder brother - Nikita V. Domrachev architect.:Старший брат — Никита Владимирович Домрачев, архитектор. 5)the world's first three-time Olympic champion, won all his victories in individual races.первая в мире трёхкратная олимпийская чемпионка, одержавшая все свои победы в личных гонках. 6)she became the first woman in history to be awarded the highest award.она стала первой в истории страны женщиной, удостоенной высшей награды. 7)One of the best biathletes of the world the beginning of the second decade of the XXI century.Одна из сильнейших биатлонисток мира начала второго десятилетия XXI века. 8)she was born on August 3, 1986 in the city of Minsk.Belorussiya:она родился 3 августа 1986 года в городе МИНСКЕ БЕЛОРУСИЯ
1) can
2) couldn't
3) can't
4) couldn't
5) could,can't
6) could
7) can,can't