c but: they waited some time for her, but she did not come down again.i went to work but she went shopping.i like japanese culture but i don’t like the food much.the house is nice but expensive.c and: my friends and i just got back from ireland.i left my hotel room and went to the beach.jim bought a pair of trousers, a shirt and a jumper. please come and visit us in the summer.c so: i've got a test next week, so i can’t go hiking with you.i heard a strange noise, so i went upstairs to see what it was.i was always interested in golf, so i decided to join the club.let's go to the cinema tomorrow.that film is so interesting.с because: she apologized because she came late.i fell on the floor because the chair broke.she studies hard because she wants to have good qualifications.because it was raining, we didn't walk long.
Мировой океан: киты Киты-самые крупные животные в море. Они гораздо больше, чем животные на суше. Крупнейшие киты более 30 метров в длину.Они живут в воде, но они не рыбы. Они теплокровные и дышат воздухом через отверстие в верхней части головы. Они могут оставаться под водой около часа без дыхания.Есть два вида китов. Один вид имеет большой рот, до 4 метров в глубину. Он ест других крупных морских животных. Этот вид называется Кит-убийца. Другой вид китов гораздо больше, чем эти касатки. У него нет зубов, но есть ряды костных пластин вместо зубов, которые называют- китовый ус. Эти киты имеют очень маленькую глотку. Они не могут проглотить размером ничего большего, чем яблоко.
c but: they waited some time for her, but she did not come down again.i went to work but she went shopping.i like japanese culture but i don’t like the food much.the house is nice but expensive.c and: my friends and i just got back from ireland.i left my hotel room and went to the beach.jim bought a pair of trousers, a shirt and a jumper. please come and visit us in the summer.c so: i've got a test next week, so i can’t go hiking with you.i heard a strange noise, so i went upstairs to see what it was.i was always interested in golf, so i decided to join the club.let's go to the cinema tomorrow.that film is so interesting.с because: she apologized because she came late.i fell on the floor because the chair broke.she studies hard because she wants to have good qualifications.because it was raining, we didn't walk long.