... on the table is leaving b. was left .c. were left d. is left 2. our president ... at the station by the students yesterday a. meet b. is met c. have been met d. was met
Evgeni Plushenko (1982) - Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports, world champion, Olympic champion.
Eugene was born November 3, 1982 in the city of Sunny, the Khabarovsk Territory. At the age of four in the biography Evgeni Plushenko took the move to Volgograd. It was there that Eugene started skating. To be able to train on, he moved to St. Petersburg. There continued to hone skills of figure skating at the sports school. After graduating from secondary school he entered the University of Physical Education Lesgaft, from which he graduated in 2005. Then, in the biography Plushenko was followed by studies at the University of Engineering and Economics in St. Petersburg.
The first big sports victory Plushenko took place in season 1996-1997. Then he became the first in the world championship among juniors. The following season ranked third in the world championship and the championship of Russia, the second - at the European championship. For the first time in his biography Evgeni Plushenko became the world champion in 2001. Then twice repeated the result (in 2003, 2004). Five times skater won the European Championship. It has a multitude of awards, titles, awards. During his career, he won 52 gold medals.
Evgeni Plushenko performed together with Dima Bilan on Eurovision Song Contest in 2008. Plushenko also leads an active social life - is part of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly.
По-перше це додаткові знання, по-друге фахівця, який володіє іноземною мовою роботодавці охоче беруть на службу. Втім, і це не саме головне. Основний момент - це можливість зануритися в світ загадкового і незбагненного, це можливість спілкування з людьми і з іншим пластом світогляду і ментальності. До речі, завдяки вивченню іноземної мови - у вас покращиться пам'ять, увага і вміння зосередитися на своїй думці. І навіть у випадку - якщо ви не досягнете бажаного результату - це вже до практично в будь-якій сфері вашої життєдіяльності. А це погодьтеся вже не мало!
B was left (что осталось, было оставлено)
D was met (его встретили, был встречен вчера)