Day of family, love and fidelity is celebrated on July 8. In Russia, as a holiday, it was introduced recently - in 2008. The ideas of the celebration are all religious Russian faiths. The symbol of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was the chamomile, of course, the city of Murom. Family Day, love and fidelity are becoming increasingly popular in our country (in Russia). In many cities there are various celebratory and solemn events - congratulatory concerts, honoring large families, spouses, charity events. Every holiday at home. On this day, July 8th, it is customary to make engagements, weddings and weddings. It is believed that marriage will be strong and prosperous. In addition, they visit the monuments of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who return to him with a request for the welfare of the marriage.
William Shakespeare - English playwright, born 1564. When William was about 23, he moved to London, where he got a job. At first he did any small work, and then settled in the theater. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616. During his short career, he wrote more than 10 tragedies, 17 comedies, 10 historical chronicles, more than 150 sonnets, and many romantic poems. The most famous of his works are "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "King Lear," "Hamlet," "Taming the Dreamy," "Macbeth," "Othello," "Much Ado About Nothing," and of course, "Romeo and Juliet." »