1. she goes to the gym weekly.
2. they always go to school by bus.
3. i never drink coffee
4. i cook sweets from time to time
5. we usually go fishing on Sunday
6. sometimes we take books in the library
7. they often speak German for people not to understant them
8. she calls me daily
1. she goes to the gym weekly.
2. they always go to school by bus.
3. i never drink coffee
4. i cook sweets from time to time
5. we usually go fishing on Sunday
6. sometimes we take books in the library
7. they often speak German for people not to understant them
8. she calls me daily
Мы были на день рождение у моей одноклассницы Ксюши. она очень добрая и веселая девочка. на день рождения пришли мои друзья и весь наш класс. там было очень много разных подарков. у Ксюши на день рождения был большой торт, суши и многое другое. мы все играли в настольные игры. нам было очень весело. этот праздник я не забуду. мы хорошо отдохнули и поиграли со всеми ребятами!
We were on the birthday of my classmate Ksyusha. she is a very kind and cheerful girl. my friends and our whole class came to my birthday. there were many different gifts. Ksyusha had a big cake, sushi and much more for his birthday. we all played board games. we had a lot of fun. I will not forget this holiday. we had a good rest and played with all the guys!
Толеген - Қыз Жібектің сүйгені
Бекежан - Қыз Жібекті сүйген
Базарбай-Қыз Жібектің әкесі
Төлеген мен қыз жібек бірін бірі жақсы көрген бірақ беке жан оларға қарсы болған