Robert works in a theatre. He has met a lot of famous actors so far.
Explanation: "Has met" is the correct form of the verb "to meet" in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have a connection to the present. In this case, Robert's past experience of meeting famous actors is relevant to his current work in the theatre.
You always drop things! Please be more careful.
Explanation: "Always drops" is the correct form of the verb "to drop" in the present simple tense, which is used to talk about regular or repeated actions. In this case, the speaker is expressing frustration about someone's habit of frequently dropping things.
I'm not usually around here but I lost my phone yesterday.
Explanation: "Lost" is the correct form of the verb "to lose" in the past simple tense, which is used to talk about completed actions in the past. In this case, the speaker is referring to a specific event of losing their phone in the past.
Giovanni, my brother, has just gone diving with his friends.
Explanation: "Has just gone" is the correct form of the verb "to go" in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about recent actions that have a connection to the present. In this case, the speaker is informing someone that their brother Giovanni recently went diving with his friends.
I haven't seen Matthew for a long time.
Explanation: "For" is the correct preposition to use when talking about the duration of time. In this case, the speaker is expressing that they have not seen Matthew in a long time.
I was walking through the city yesterday when I noticed the crowd around two men.
Explanation: "Walked; noticed" is the correct form of the verbs "to walk" and "to notice" in the past simple tense, which is used to talk about completed actions in the past. In this case, the speaker is describing two sequential events - walking through the city and noticing the crowd around two men.
I am thinking about going to see Green Day in concert next month.
Explanation: "Am thinking" is the correct form of the verb "to think" in the present continuous tense, which is used to talk about actions happening at the present moment. In this case, the speaker is expressing their current thoughts and intentions about going to see Green Day in concert.
While Akim was running after football, he fell and twisted his ankle.
Explanation: "Was running; fell, twisted" is the correct form of the verbs "to run," "to fall," and "to twist" in the past continuous and past simple tense. The past continuous tense is used to describe an ongoing action in the past, while the past simple tense is used to describe a completed action. In this case, the speaker is describing an incident where Akim was running, then fell and twisted his ankle.
He has a Siamese cat at present.
Explanation: "Has" is the correct form of the verb "to have" in the present simple tense, which is used to talk about permanent or current situations. In this case, the speaker is stating that he currently has a Siamese cat.
Dorothy hasn't met Cathy yet.
Explanation: "Yet" is used in negative sentences with the present perfect tense to indicate that an action or event has not happened up to the present moment. In this case, the speaker is stating that Dorothy and Cathy have not met up until now.
Lucy was gardening when Adam was painting the kitchen.
Explanation: "When" is used to indicate that two actions happened at the same time in the past. In this case, Lucy was gardening and Adam was painting the kitchen simultaneously.
Curtis will probably be working late tonight.
Explanation: "Will ... be working" is the correct form of the verb "to be" and the verb "to work" in the future continuous tense, which is used to talk about ongoing actions in the future. In this case, the speaker is making a prediction that Curtis will likely be working late tonight.
I have lived in Spain since I was ten.
Explanation: "Have lived" is the correct form of the verb "to live" in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about actions that started in the past and continue up to the present moment. In this case, the speaker is stating that they have been living in Spain since they were ten years old.
Wow, your house looks great!
Explanation: "Looks" is the correct form of the verb "to look" in the present simple tense, which is used to talk about general states or appearances. In this case, the speaker is expressing admiration for the appearance of someone's house.
Angelika was going to read a book but she fell asleep.
Explanation: "Was going to" is used to describe an intention or plan that someone had in the past but did not complete. In this case, Angelika intended to read a book but fell asleep before doing so.
"Do you taste the dish for salt?" - "Yes, sure."
Explanation: "Do ... taste" is the correct form of the auxiliary verb "to do" and the verb "to taste" in the present simple tense, which is used to form questions and negative sentences in English. In this case, someone is asking if the other person tastes the dish for salt, and the response confirms that they indeed do.
I hope this response helps you understand the correct answers and explanations for the given questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask!
1. Sally burned her wrist when she was cooking the dinner.
- В данном предложении используется Past Simple для описания действия "burned" и Past Progressive для описания действия "was cooking", которое происходило в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие.
2. Last night I was reading in bed when suddenly I heard a scream.
- В данном предложении используется Past Progressive для описания действия "was reading" и Past Simple для описания действия "heard", которое произошло внезапно во время первого действия.
3. Tom took a photograph of me while I wasn't looking.
- В данном предложении используется Past Simple для описания действия "took" и Past Progressive для описания действия "wasn't looking", которое происходило в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие.
4. We didn't go out because it was raining.
- В данном предложении используется Past Simple для описания действия "didn't go" и Past Progressive для описания действия "was raining", которое происходило в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие.
5. Malcolm fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling.
- В данном предложении используется Past Simple для описания действия "fell" и Past Progressive для описания действия "was painting", которое происходило в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие.
6. I wasn't driving very fast when the accident happened.
- В данном предложении используется Past Simple для описания действия "wasn't driving" и Past Progressive для описания действия "happened", которое произошло в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие.
7. What were you doing at this time yesterday?
- В данном предложении используется Past Progressive для описания действия "were doing", которое происходило в определенный момент времени в прошлом.
8. Ann broke a plate last night. She was doing the washing-up when it slipped out of her hand.
- В данном предложении используется Past Simple для описания действия "broke" и Past Progressive для описания действия "was doing", которое происходило в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие. Также используется Past Simple для описания действия "slipped".
9. The phone was still ringing when I rushed.
- В данном предложении используется Past Progressive для описания действия "was ringing" и Past Simple для описания действия "rushed", которое произошло внезапно в момент времени, когда происходило первое действие.
10. When Sid was young, he worked from morning till night.
- В данном предложении используется Past Progressive для описания действия "was" и Past Simple для описания действия "worked".
11. One day I was playing by the big window in our front room where I used to sit on wet days looking at the rain.
- В данном предложении используется Past Progressive для описания действия "was playing" и Past Simple для описания действия "used to sit" и "looking".
12. Last night at 9.35 the Director of a school was walking from the office to his car when somebody attacked him from behind.
- В данном предложении используется Past Progressive для описания действия "was walking" и Past Simple для описания действия "attacked", которое произошло в момент времени, когда произошло первое действие.
duncan Watched a TV programme.No he didn't.He was playing basketball
4.No hi didn't.He was sleeping
No he didn't.He was having fun