Перепиши предложения,вставляя пропущеные слова: hobbit lives in forest. he is an animal a man. he isn't ugly, he is . hobbi has big and a nose.his eyes are . he is because he has a sweet tooth.
1) Tigers have massive head and a muscular body. Their usual coloration is reddish-orange with vertical black stripes. Their walk is very graceful. 2) Bears have stocky legs and a large body, their heavy build makes them very strong. These animals are solitary, they are considered to be asocial. Bears are excellent runners, swimmers and climbers, though they have very large bodies. 3) Dolphins are mammals which live in the sea and oceans, they eat fish and squids. They have a fusiform body, a tail fin and pectoral fins. They breathe through the blowhole on the top of their head. They have a quick healing process.
1) stay at home: I'm not staying at home tomorrow. 2) meet my friend: I'm meeting my friend tomorrow. 3) leave for America: I'm not leaving for America tomorrow. 4) write a letter to granny: I'm not writing a letter to granny tomorrow.
Dear Alex, Thank you for your letter. I am always glad to hear from you, you know it. Today I'll try to answer your questions about New York. You asked me about our programme there, well, we are arriving to NY in a week. There we are staying with American families and are having some classes before lunch time during our stay in NY and we are doing various sights after lunch. On Monday we are visiting Rockefeller Centre, on Tuesday we are walking in Central Park, on Wednesday we are having a sea trip to the Statue of Liberty, the next day, that is on Thursday we are doing the Guggenheim Museum, on Friday we are visiting a concert hall in Broadway (by the way, there are about 30 theatres and concert halls in this street). The last thing we are going to see there is the Impire State Building.The Programme is great, I hope to take a lot of pics there. That's all for now. Keep in touch. Best wishes, Dima
Hobbit lives in the forest. - Хоббит живет в лесу.
He is neither an animal nor a man. - Он ни животное, ни человек.
He isn't ugly, he is nice. - Он не уродливый, он красивый.
Hobbit has big ears and a small nose. - У Хоббита большие уши и маленький нос.
His eyes are green. - У него зеленые глаза.
He is fat because he has a sweet tooth. - Он полный, потому что он сладкоежка.