Моя семья был праздник в Англии, но , к сожалению, у нас было погоду . ( Ужасно) 3. Дети пришли в класс . ( Шумно прислушайтесь . (Осторожно ) 5. Его брат повар . ( Хорошо объясните . (Очистить) 7. Я хочу перекусить . (Быстрый ) 8. Он говорит по-английски . ( Хорошо)Moya sem'ya byl prazdnik v Anglii, no , k sozhaleniyu, u nas bylo pogodu . ( Uzhasno) 3. Deti prishli v klass . ( Shumno ) 4. Pozhaluysta, prislushaytes' . (Ostorozhno ) 5. Yego brat povar . ( Khorosho) 6. Pozhaluysta, ob"yasnite . (Ochistit') 7. YA khochu perekusit' . (Bystryy ) 8. On govorit po-angliyski . ( Khorosho)
1. Business people are involved in the management of companies.
2. My father builds bridges.
3. Every year they spend a couple of months at the seaside .
4. In our orchard we grow potatoes and tomatoes.)
5. This museum exhibits the 18th-century organs, pianos (or piani) and grand pianos (or grand piani).
6. Why do financial crises happen?
7. I want to read Shakespeare's plays, both tragedies and comedies.
8. Roofs (or rooves) on houses vary in geometry, method of ventilation and covering material.
9. There are computer discs in those boxes.
10. At the Geography lessons we study nature phenomena.