1) Leonardo Da Vinci wasn't a famous composer.2) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle didn't write many stories about plants and animals.3) Alexander Bell didn't paint the famous Mona Lisa4) Michael Lermontov didn't study the anatomy of the human body.5) Bill Gates didn't create the early flying machine.6) Claude Monet didn't explore nature.7) Isaac Newton didn't found many historical artefacts in Asia.8) Michael Cane wasn't a famous architect in the 70's.9) Roger Moor didn't starr in Gone with the Wind, the famous Hollywood blockbuster.10) John Lennon didn't invent reggae music in the early 80's.
My name is alexsey. I am fourteen years old. New Year is considered the most popular holiday in our family. At the beginning of December everybody has a festive mood. In the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright and motley garlands. A huge Christmas tree is put at the main square. We begin to prepare for the holiday. We buy Christmas-tree decorations, tinsel and gifts for each other at New Year’s fairs. At the end of December we put artificial Christmas tree and decorate it for the holiday. I help my mother to prepare a festive table on December 31. New Year’s Eve always seems to me magical and unforgettable. At midnight after president’s appearance on television chiming clock begins to strike. We wish each other a happy New Year and make a wish and then exchange gifts. When I was a child I found the gifts under the Christmas tree and I thought that Santa Claus had brought them. Although I’m already adult and I don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to find myself in the dream and to believe in a miracle.
0)The Russian writer Ivan Turgenev (valued) was valued by his 1) contemporaries as an outstanding novelIST. 2) His novels and tales WERE read widely in France, 3) Germany, Italy, Spain, England and THE USA. 4) The State Turgenev Museum openED in the 5) author'S native town of Oriol. Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, 6) where Ivan Turgenev (was) spent most of his life, 7) is also A museum and is open to the public. The 8) museum IS visitED by tourists from Russia and abroad. 9) The memorial department of (a) THE museum 10) ( is attracted) ATTRACTS many visitors. The rooms in this 11) building IS redecorated to look like the author's 12) original(ly) home. The "Living Room", the 13) "Dining Room", THE "Study-Bedroom" and the 14) "Library" ARE showN to the public. In the memorial 15) part of the museum one can (be seen) SEE the writer's 16) desk. Turgenev's WONDERFUL (wondering) novels: Rudin, 17) Fathers and Sons (CHILDREN), 18) On the EVe WRITTEN (wrote) there. 19) The sofa, which he (was) called "Samson,' 20) the ancient clock and other thingS, 21) WHICH (who) have been described by him in his works, 22) Can BE SEEN (see) in the museum.
1. was на was not
2. wrote на didn't write
3. painted на didn't paint
4. studied на didn't study
5. created на didn't create
6. explored на didn't explore
7. founded на didn't found
8. was на was not
9. starred на didn't star
10. invented на didn't invent