Если комнат 3 то 1- спальная;2- для гостей;3-игральная. Если 4 то 1- спальная;2 для гостей ;3 игральная;4- спорт зал
1. Fame - a state of being known about by a lot of people by your achivements.
2. A scene - a view of a place as it appeares in a picture.
3. A masterpiece - a work of art that is of very high quality or that is the best that a particular artist has produced.
4. A scenery - the natural features of a particular part of a country, such as mountains, forests, deserts, etc.
5. A tendency - a general change or development in a particular direction.
6. To inspire - to encourage someone to make them feel confident and eager to achieve something great.
7. To influence - to have an effect on the way someone of something develops, behaves, thinks, etc. without directly forcing them.
1. Слава - это состояние, когда тебя узнают много людей.
2. Пейзаж - вид места на картине
3. Шедевр - художественное произведение очень высокого качества или лучшая работа одного из художников.
4. Ландшафт - природные особенности определенной части страны, такие как горы, леса, пустыни и т.д.
5. Тенденция - общее изменение или развитие в определенном направлении.
6. Вдохновлять - мотивировать кого-либо, придавая им уверенности и желания достигать чего-то великого.
7. Влиять - оказывать влияние на то как кто-то или что-то развивается, ведет себя, думает и т.д. без принуждения.
I marvel at all the different kinds of air pollution that humans invented (eg fires for light, heat, hunting, cooking and smoking).
we evolved for the last million years living with this air pollution, first around open campfires and then inside our homes but always in our lungs and blood at a relatively high chronic level compared with the last 40years in USA and other countries that followed EPA experiment of requiring strict air pollution controls on vehicles, factories and powerplants.
This air pollution—the high ambient CO in particular-- made us human and we won't be human anymore if it all goes away. We will be much closer to the wild animals we diverged from, since without high ambient CO to protect us, we are very vulnerable to low CO (quite the paradox!) and CO-sensitization syndromes like autism