Had - Have\Has
a) got get
b) saidsay
c) were (to be) are
d) told tell
2.Write the comparatives?
Напишите прилаг.в сравнительной степени
Bad- worse
a)dangerous- more fangerous
3. Write the superlatives.
Напишите превосходный степень прилаг.
Heavy- the heaviest
a)weak-the weakest
b)many-the most
c)nice-the nicest
d)expensive-the most expensive
4 Translate the words
Переведите слова
c)wear-носить (одежду)
5.Complete the phrases with make or do?
Дополните к фразывым глаголам make или do?
Do homework
Make dinner
a)do the washing
b) do the ironing
c)make a noise
On Christmas night, we gather at the festive table, light candles. Then we watch the Christmas service from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. If possible, we go to church, and if not, then on TV. It is extraordinarily beautiful, mesmerizing, exciting. Feast of the birth of Christ! The holiday will end sooner or later, but the Christmas mood will remain and the hope that our dreams and wishes will come true, that we will all be healthy and happy. After all, for the sake of our salvation, the Son of God came to earth, whose birth is celebrated in our family.