1. Which of your friends sometimes ( keeps) to a diet? 2. When did Mike last ( learn) the English text by heart? 3. We (are arriving) at the railway station now. 4. Why your sister (does not like) to play with dolls? 5. I (am looking) through English texts now. 6. Did Hellen (lock) the door yesterday evening? 7. Will I ( help) him with geography next week? 8. What time are we (leaving) Spain for Turkey tomorrow evening? 9. Why are you ( laughing) now? 1. Whose glasses is she ( wearing) now? 2. Why did not Willy (catch) the plane the day before yesterday? 3. What cake does his mother usually ( make) for a birth day party? 4. Which of your friends (is joinig) the army now? 5. I (do not like) to look for anything. 6. Where do they usually ( celebrate) New Year? 7. With whom does he always ( take) the underground? 8. What animal are the children ( watching) now? 9. Where will we ( turn) in ten minutes?
1. I wish I had a car. 2. I wish I could play the piano. 3. I wish I were not at work. 4. I wish it were summer. 5. I wish I were not ill. 6. I wish I had new shoes. 7. I wish I could afford to go on holiday. 8. I wish I had time to read lots of books. 9. I wish I could drive. 10. I wish I my laptop were not broken. First Conditional - Реальные события. 1. If you´re late again, you _will (have) problems with the boss. 2. Do you think I will (lose) weight if I eat fewer cakes? 3. If you (continue) driving like that you will (get) a fine. Second Conditional - Вымышленные события. 3. I would go to Rome next summer if you (came) with me. 4. We could go to the countryside and have a picnic if the weather was nice. 5. What _would you (do) if you (found) 500 euros on the street? 6. If I (were) you, I would (try) to take things easy.
1) True
2) DS
3) True
4) False
5) DS