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The MES rescue specialist rescue victims in extreme situations, employee of the Ministry of emergency situations.
The features of the professionThe rescuer – one of those people who comes to the aid of one of the first.This profession includes several specialties: driver, firefighter, climber, diver, medic, etc.During natural disasters, technogenic catastrophes or terrorist attack at the same time suffers from a large number of people. And many of them need help immediately. If the person is losing blood or crushed stove, the account goes on a minute.
Arrived at the scene rescuers instantly assess the situation, organize the evacuation, remove the wounded, first aid (stop the bleeding, splint, etc.).All of these activities on state language called damage control.They require determination, concentration at work and honed skills.Rescuers arrive on call and emergency situations, when is required not just to provide medical care (sometimes it is not needed at all), and rescue someone from the trap, remove the roof, remove from water, etc.Sometimes emergency workers have to work without waiting for the end of the tribulation. For example, forest fires.
Rescuers are working not only in the field of mass disasters. For example, if someone lost in the woods, to search also attract rescuers.
Rescuers callingIn some parts of the country to fight fires, search for missing people and other activities that require massovogo participation assistants, are increasingly active volunteers. They help emergency workers completely free of charge, their own money to buy equipment and spend their weekend staying with friends and helping people. They see this as their calling. In Moscow, the volunteers engaged in the search for missing children, joined in the search group "Lisa Alert".As they write on their website, in our series "the handlers and trackers, dzhippery and quads, the aeronauts and divers and simply not indifferent people, without special and search skills." The detachment is named in memory of lost girl Lisa, which managed to find only five days after the disappearance. At that time, she was already dead. Their task the volunteers can see that early and intense start looking.
In their work, rescue workers are constantly faced with someone's pain, find themselves in dangerous situations. And no one will resist in such a difficult profession, if you do not feel this real need. Considerations of salary and other benefits will not help.To maintain good professional and physical form lifeguards train hard in the gym and on the range, bringing their skills to automaticity.To become a lifeguard you need training in quickly-a rescue service.It is enough to secondary education and good physical shape.
4,5(52 оценок)
Santa Claus is not alone, he has relatives in many countries. The closest and most important of these is Santa Claus. And the story of Santa Claus, as Santa Claus starts with St. Nicholas.

Saint Nicholas is traditionally considered in the West and in America, a giver of gifts. In 1804 in new York under the patronage of St. Nicholas was founded the historical society. In 1809 Washington Irving published a satirical "history of new York city", where you mocked the Dutch past in new York (many traditions, including Saint Nicholas — the giver of gifts, came to new York from Holland). Every year on St. Nicholas Day on the street carried a wooden statue of the Saint (high, in a long robe) and sang a song about St. Nicholas — Sancta Claus (in Dutch Sinterklaas).
In 1822, another new Yorker, Clement Clark Moore wrote a series of tales, in which he described that Santa Claus arrives in the country on eight reindeer. Clement Clarke Moore has also forced Santa Claus to climb into the house through the chimney to distribute gifts.
In 1841, in Philadelphia, businessman Parkinson's, to attract customers, the store hired a man and dressed him Santa Claus. The first live Santa Claus sitting on the roof of the building, which housed the store, next to the chimney.
In 1863, cartoonist Thomas knight depicted Santa Claus with huge whiskers and dressed in fur from head to toe.
In 1869 came the poems of George Webster, where as a renter is Santa Claus mentioned about the North pole.
The publisher Louis Prang issued a in America, the English tradition to send to friends and family for Christmas greeting cards. In 1885 he released a greeting card on which was painted a Santa Claus in a red suit. Since then Santa Claus increasingly began to paint in a red robe, not in furs or robes of any other color.
Now Santa Claus caught on in many homes in Western Europe and America. Penetrating into the house through pipes and vents, he lays out the gifts in stockings hung on the fireplace, and the tinkling of the bells, as if heralding the arrival of the New Year.Перевод:
Дед Мороз не одинок, у него есть родственники во многих странах. Самым близким и важным из них является Санта Клаус. А история Санта Клауса, как и Деда Мороза, начинается со Святого Николая.

Святой Николай традиционно считается на Западе и в Америке дарителем подарков. В 1804 году в Нью-Йорке под патронажем Святого Николая было основано историческое общество. В 1809 году Вашингтон Ирвинг опубликовал сатирическую "историю города Нью-Йорка", где вы издевались над голландским Нью-Йорка (многие традиции, в том числе и Святой Николай — даритель подарков, пришли в Нью-Йорк из Голландии). Каждый год в День Святого Николая на улицу выносили деревянную статую Святого (высокую, в длинной мантии) и пели песню о святом Николае — Санкта Клауса (в голландский Синтерклаас).
В 1822 году другой житель Нью-Йорка, Клемент Кларк Мур написал серию сказок, где описал, что Санта-Клаус прибывает в страну на восьми северных оленях. Клемент Кларк Мур также заставил Санта-Клауса лазить в дом через дымоход, чтобы раздать подарки.
В 1841 году в Филадельфии, бизнесмен Паркинсона, чтобы привлечь клиентов магазина нанял человека и одел его Санта Клаусом. Первый живой Санта Клаус сидел на крыше здания, где размещался магазин, рядом с дымоходом.
В 1863 году карикатурист Томас Найт изобразил Санта Клауса с огромными бакенбардами и одетым в мех с головы до пят.
В 1869 году вышли стихи Жоржа Вебстера, где в качестве арендатора Санта-Клаус упомянул о Северном полюсе.
Издатель Луис Пранг распространил в Америке английскую традицию слать друзьям и родственникам на Рождество поздравительные открытки. В 1885 году он выпустил поздравительную открытку, на которой был нарисован Санта Клаус в красном костюме. С тех пор Санта Клауса все чаще стали рисовать в красной мантии, а не в мехах или мантии какого-либо другого цвета.
Теперь Дед Мороз прижился во многих домах Западной Европы и Америки. Проникая в дом через трубы и форточки, он раскладывает подарки в чулки висели на камине, и позвякивает колокольчиками, как бы возвещая о приходе Нового Года.
4,7(43 оценок)
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