В моём гордеробе есть не мало интересных вещей, они все осациирует мне кого-то.И ещё у меня есть одежда на разные времена года.На зиму - Я тепло одеваюсь,На весну - Я хожу в менее тёплой,На лето - Я хожу без варежек,без шапок и остальных зимних или весенних вещей.Но Осенью я даже беру с собой зонтик,и одеваюсь в водонепраницаемую одежду,ведь осенью всегда идут дожди - In my wardrobe there are not a few interesting things, they all sediment me to someone. And I also have clothes for different seasons. In the winter - I warmly dress, For the spring - I go to a less warm one, For the summer - I go without Mittens, without hats and other winter or spring things. But in the autumn I even take an umbrella with me, and I dress in water-resistant clothes, because in the fall rains always go.
I live with my parents in five-storey building, near the kindergarten "Sun" . In our apartment, one of my other parents. Is in the apartment and one resident is our beloved cat Rita. We bought her a house of her own,which she was very happy . Previously in our apartment lived the grandfather and grandmother on my father's side . From my window offers a beautiful panorama . Winter white birch trees under a layer of fluffy snow, and summer greens.My room is very light and comfortable, so I like to drink hot chocolate and watch a good movie.
You must make your bed yourself.