I met a girl and I asked her a lot of questions. Example: What's your name?
He asked her what her name was.
1-How old are you?
2-Where do you live?
3-What's your job?
4-Do you like your job?
5-Do you like music?
6-What music do you like?
7-Can you give me your phone number?
8-Will you be here tomorrow?
2. I hand the ball off to Kate. - Я передал мяч Кате.
3. I want to hand my business over to you . - Я хочу передать тебе свои дела.
4. We hand the medicine out for free. - Мы раздаем лекарства бесплатно.
5. I want to hand your book back. - Я хочу вернуть тебе книгу.
6. I want to hand this bracel down to you. - Я хочу передать тебе этот браслет в завещании.
7. Kate, could you hand around the cookies? - Катя, можешь передать мне печенья?
8. We must hand over our passports. - Мы должны передать наши паспорта.