Once the author went to the British museum to receive data on treatment of one insignificant illness. But instead of leaving it started looking through lists of symptoms of other diseases. Soon he found out that has many diseases. It became clear to it that he never to recover. He was upset and went to consult to the doctor. This doctor was his friend. It always encouraged the friend when it seemed to that that it is sick. The doctor listened to all complaints of the patient, examined it and wrote out the recipe. The author went at once to a drugstore. But the druggist returned the recipe because the recipe was unusual. Advice which the doctor gave to the patient, testified that the doctor well knew it and had sense of humour. The author followed advice of the doctor, his life was saved, and health improved, but it avoided to tell someone about this case because it was a shame to it.
All cuisines of different countries. My daily diet begins with a light breakfast. This can be oatmeal with toast and tea or just a slice of bread with peanut butter and tea. At school I eating a apple or a bun. When I come home from school, I complete meal porridge and soup which -any fruit. I did not have dinner fat fish or steak. I love healthy food.
Вот перевод :
У всех странах кухня разная. МОй дневной рацион питания начинается с легкого завтрака .Это может быть овсяная каша с тостом и чай или просто ломтик хлеба с ореховым маслом и чай .В школе я могу сьесть яблоко или булочку .Когда я прихожу со школы у меня полноценный обед суп каша и какой-нибудь фрукт . Ужинаю я не жирной рыбой или стейком . Я люблю здоровую пищу.
Once an incredibly funny story happened to me. The whole family came to the village for the summer. Me and my dad are going fishing. We didn't have to go far, because the river was right behind the garden.
This was not the first time I went fishing, so I knew approximately what was happening and how. While helping my father to untangle the line, I heard a strange rustle in the bushes. There was a coniferous forest on the other side, so we concluded that it could be a squirrel. Dad and I took turns casting our fishing rods, and in less than a minute each of us pulled out an average perch that was found here in abundance. The river was so clear and transparent, and the sun bright, that their shining scales and red fins could be easily seen bent over the crystal water.
We put our catch in a pre-prepared net and decided to have a snack. Mom gave us sandwiches for the trip so that we don't go hungry. But in the bag where they had been lying before, they were gone. “It's strange, I remember exactly putting them on the bottom of my backpack,” Dad said in disappointment and surprise at the same time. Something rustled in the bushes again, and we immediately turned our heads in the direction of the continuous noise.
Father got up and crawled into the bushes, and went out already holding by the scruff of our red cat Vasily, in whose teeth was one of the perches we caught. The gnawed bones of the second, after a careful examination of the bushes, were found next to the remains of bread from sandwiches. Well, the cat could hardly keep on its paws and looked more like a ginger Kolobok.
From that day on, he got another nickname Glutton. Of course, not every cat can eat so much!