In the painting by Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa," one can see a mysterious young woman. This is the most famous painting in the world. It depicts Gioconda, smiling mysteriously at us. Her hair is dark and long. Her eyes are brown. She has a translucent veil on her head, and her eyebrows are hardly seen. The most important thing in this picture is the woman's smile. They say that da Vinci wrote it for 12 years.
На картине Леонардо да Винчи "Мона Лиза" можно увидеть загадочную молодую женщину. Это самая известная картина в мире. На ней изображена Джоконда, загадочно улыбающаяся нам. У нее темные и длинные волосы. У нее карие глаза. На голове у нее полупрозрачная вуаль, а брови почти не видны. Самое главное в этой картине - улыбка женщины. Говорят, что да Винчи писал её в течение 12 лет.
George wanted to see the rest of the museum.
Lisa found a hat on the floor.
the mystery person left two tickets for the cousins.
The statue of Venus looked very real.
the temple of Dendur is from Egypt.