1. What do you think they are
2. Do you think this
the computer is good?
3. Which one do you think
better English?
4. What do you think he's up to?
5. Who do you think she is?
a woman?
6. Do you think they're in love?
7. Do you think he has
got a car?
8. How much do you think
time need to, to
to reach the centre?
9. Where do you think
these people?
10. Why do you think
is she upset?
11. Do you think she
does he play the piano well?
12. Do you think I'm right?
13. Who do you think he is?
14. Whose do you think it is
an idea?
15. Where do you think
they wanted to go to
3) I am afraid that ice hockey is not quite .to..my taste.
4) You say you are a good runner. Race me .to..the school building and we shall see
5) How many countries took part .in..the latest Olympic Games?
6) The boy who has won the 100 metre race is my best friend.
7) I can see two cows .in..the field.
8) Look! The two teams are already .at..the football field. They have just come out .to..it.
9) The Battle .of..Waterloo took place in 1815 near Brussels, Belgium.
10) We are competing .with..our neighbours, school 1220, in basketball.