Have been tested - Новые три вагона поезда-цистерны были испытаны в суровых зимних условия на ж/д в Аляске. will have been completed - Строительство моста и дамбы будет закончено к началу сезона навигации. are being constructed - В настоящее время в Европе и Азии строятся 2500 км скоростных линий. maintains - система кондиционирования воздуха всегда поддерживает оптимальную температуру и влажность в вагоне. is being built - В настоящее время новая высокоскоростная железнодорожная линия строится на севере России. has caused - Потоп значительно повредил железнодорожную ветку.
How many times during the school day You visit the cafeteria? 2. What You order in the dining room: A) tea B) Breakfast (salad, etc.) B) a full meal 3. If You dine in the dining room, You order: A) a full meal with first course B) only the second course C) only sweet, tea, pastries 4. Are You satisfied with the range of dishes in the school cafeteria? 5. What courses, in Your opinion, are missing from our dining room menu? 6. Is it possible that after 6 lessons You in the dining room lacks a dining dishes? 7. Are You satisfied with the school canteen? 8. Have You ever seen rude treatment of employees dining room with students? 9. How do You behave in the cafeteria? Do You observe the rules of conduct in the school cafeteria?
I love my country.I'll never leave here