1. The Russian government lobbied hard to secure Kaloyev's early release from prison.
2. She is still under investigation by the Spanish police.
3. Crime is a complex issue — we can't simply blame poverty and unemployment.
4. Avoid that area after dark.
5. I deeply regret what happened — there's no excuse for it.
6. We wrote to the editor demanding an apology.
7. Mr Wright pleaded guilty to all charges.
8. All three athletes strongly deny taking the drug.
9. This car was in collision with an ambulance.
10.He is serving a three-year sentence for burglary.
11.The prisoner suddenly broke free and ran towards the car.
12. The study aims to find out what makes people commit crimes.
A thief - steals.
A murderer - kills people.
A hijacker - seizes aero planes.
A counterfeiter- copies money illegally.
An assassin- kills a famous or important person, especially for political reasons.
A blackmailer - gets money by threatening to disclose personal information.
A kidnapper - takes people hostage for a ransom.
A mugger - attacks people in public places and steals their money, jewellery or other things.
A con man/con woman – deceives other people in order to get their money.
A shoplifter - takes things from a shop without paying.
A robber - steals from banks or trains.
A burglar - steals from houses or offices.
A terrorist - uses violence in order to achieve political aims.
A stalker - follows and watches another person all the time in a threatening way.
A vandal - deliberately damages property.
A pickpocket - steals purses and wallets.
1. Фунт
2. Итак, байт – самая маленькая единица измерения информации.
3.Современный британский фунт стерлингов состоит из 100 пенсов.
4.В обращении находятся банкноты в 5, 10, 20, 50 фунтов;
5. -
6. Королевы Великобритании – Елизаветы II.
и английской писательницы Джейн Остин.
если нужно на английском то вот.
1. Pound
2. So, a byte is the smallest unit of information.
3. The modern British pound sterling is divided into 100 pence.
4. There are 5, 10, 20, 50 pound notes in circulation;
five. -
6. Queen of Great Britain - Elizabeth II.
and the English writer Jane Austen.
fashional show
muscle programme