подарок :2 кг
книги +подарок=3 кг
Exercise and eating healthy are two of the most important things you need to do to take care of your body properly. Both exercise, and eating healthy, have many advantages and benefits. They help with multiple things needed throughout your life. These things include growing physically, mentally, and if you are religious, spiritually as well. All of this adds up to your body functioning in the highest and best way possible. Exercise, or physical activity helps your body in many ways. For example, exercise helps control the weight of a human. It helps prevent people gaining unwanted weight and helps people who have unwanted weight to lose it. When we eat, we are taking in calories, and then when we exercise we burn off.
Topic 1.
I think,that healthy eating and exercise are both good for your health.Eating a healthy diet can solve many health problems, and the sooner you start sticking to a healthy diet, the better.Regular physical activity is the basis of a correct lifestyle and a guarantee of the absence of health problems in old age. People who do not neglect sports are less sick, because their immunity fights more effectively against viruses and pathogens of various diseases, are rarely overweight and better cope with stress and everyday problems. During sports, the human body produces endorphins, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
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