10 предложений с "get" :
1)We tried to get away from the crowds. -Мы старались избегать толпу
2)I get along with my boss. -Я в хороших отношениях со свои боссом
3)She could get her point across to the audience.- Она смогла донести свою точку зрения до аудитории.
4)They want to get ahead in life.-Они хотят преуспеть в жизни
5)We must get back.-Мы должны вернуться
6)I will get back to you. -Я перезвоню тебе.
7) She will get back to you later.-Она свяжется с тобой позже.
8)He got behind his study.-Он отстал по учебе.
9) I don’t want to get behind with my work.- Я не хочу просрочить свою работ
10)I can get by without your help. Я смогу обойтись без твоей
10 предложений с "got" :
1)He's got 2 sisters. – У него есть 2 сестры.
2)They've got strained relations with their parents. – У них натянутые отношения с родителями.
3lHave you got any children? – У вас есть дети?
4)Mike hasn't got any brothers. – У Майка нет братьев.
5)He got his idea across.-Он донес его идею
6)My husband got a new job-Мой муж получил новую работу
7)I've got a temperature. – У меня есть температура
8)How many kittens has your cat got? – Сколько котят у твоей кошки?
9)He has got a dope house. – У него отпадный дом.
10)He's got a problem. – У него проблема.
Dear Jane,
How are you doing? I’m just writing to let you know that everything is all right now. This is a nice quiet place. The people are friendly, and the weather is warm. We’ve been staying here for ten days now, and we are already used to it.
I walk a lot, but Phil just spends his time reading newspapers and writing business letters. Sometimes we are going for a walk together.
Last week I went to the nearest park. This is a wonderful very beautiful place. I saw a lot of squirrels, they were so noisy and begged for food all the time. I gave them all the peanuts that I had. There is also a small pond at the park with ducks and beautiful water lilies.
Next week I’m going to start writing my new book, and it’s going to be very hard work. That is all for now.
Give my regards to Paul and the family. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your loving sister,
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