1. I would rather go on a travel with friends.
2. I know types travel is by bus, by bicycle, on foot, by car, by train, by plane, by boat and by ship.
3. I would choose a boat because it is comfortable and we will have fun with friends.
4. Here is a list of those at risk of extinction:
Saiga ;
Persian leopard ;
Sandpiper ;
Sakhalin sturgeon ;
Kaluga fish .
5. Reasons for extinction
Extinctions occur either due to drastic changes in habitat or due to competition with other species or predators.
6. Creation of sanctuaries and reserves. These territories are protected by the state, and some species of animals have been preserved there.
7. World Heritage - natural or man-made objects, the priority tasks in relation to which, according to UNESCO, are their preservation and popularization due to their special cultural, historical or ecological significance.
8. The following objects are on the UNESCO World Heritage List in the Republic of Kazakhstan: - Mausoleum of Khoja Akhmed Yassavi (Turkestan city) - Petroglyphs of the archaeological landscape of Tamgaly - Sary-Arka - steppe and lakes of northern Kazakhstan - Objects of the Great Silk Road in the Tien Shan corridor.
1 Alice says she thinks Mike likes watching horror films (почему в задании reading? кто читает фильмы?!)
2 Tom says he has breakfast at 7 o"clock
3 Linda said she had spent her holidays in Moscow
4 He said he was going to swim the next day
5 Nick said he had never been to London
6 Mike said he had bought that book that day
7 Nelly said she had read Jane Eyre the year before
8 Father asked Jane to show him her exercise book
9 Mike told his brother that he had taken a very good book from the library the day before
10 The travel agent warned me not to carry large amount of cash
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