When Barry Allen was a young man, most of all in the world he wanted to be a superhero – those who exceed the limits of the human body and uses for the benefit of the force given to him. When Barry was eleven years old, he on own experience learned, that people with unusual abilities indeed there are: his mother was killed one of such people. Growing up and becoming a forensic scientist, Barry did not give up thoughts about the superpowers and continued to look for evidence of their existence, which is not the best way affected his reputation and communication with colleagues. However, once his efforts were rewarded
1. I had my house painted. That’s why there’s all this mess. 2. My hair looks dreadful; I think I will have it set tomorrow. 3. The attic was dark so last year we had skylight put in. 4. That dead tree is dangerous. I will have it cut down tomorrow. 5. We just had central heating installed. The house is warm! 6. I don’t read Greek, so I get the documents translated. My nephew is helping with the translation. 7. Did you have the film developed or did you develop it yourself? 8. Why does he have all his shoes specially made? – He says he has to because his feet are different sizes. 9. Do you get your milk delivered or do you go to the shop for it? 10. If you hate cleaning fish why don't you have them cleaned at the fishmonger’s (negative). 11. How often do you have your brakes tested? 12. I’m afraid it’s rather draughty here but I had that broken pane replaced tomorrow.