Circle the correct answer 1. Oh look! It is going to/ will snow soon.
2. Next summer I am going to/ will backpack around
3. Ring! Ring! I am going to/ I'll answer it.
4. I think our team is going to/ will win the match.
5. In 2055 robots are going to/ will be the teachers.
6. Tonight we are going to have/ will have a birthday
party for my brother.
7. Sponge Bob is going to/ will work at the Crabby
Patty tonight
8. My friends are going to/ will go to the movies
9. I doubt that he is going to/ will pass the English
10. He is going to/ will study for the test last night.
11. Be careful! You are going to/ will drop the dishes.
12. During summer vacation we are going to/ will go
swimming every day.
13. I'm sure that you are going to/ will find your lost
14. I am going to/ will help you carry your books.
15. Look out! That dog is going to/ will bite you if you
get near him.
if it so happens that you are in the jungle:
First of all, you should use mosquito repellent cream;
Second, you should find a place, where you are going to stay.
Third, you should make а tent and a bed.
Then, you must look for some animal to kill or for some other edible things.
After that you must make a fire for cooking food, keeping yourself warm and for keeping the wild animals away.
Note: to find water you should look for animals' paths and follow them:
wild animal paths usually lead to some water sources.
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